Black and White Wiki
Black and White Wiki

In-game description[]

From the fertile soil, farmers coax rich crops to feed the people. Fields produce grain, which the people require, if they're to remain healthy. Armies consume twice as much grain as civilians.


One of the most important "buildings" for your people. Fields are the main and basic source of food, and you can decide how big it should be; the bigger they are, the more total food you can harvest at once from them, though larger fields also take more free space from other buildings.

Also, fields don't expand your influence, even when built on the borders.

Some recommendations are to build default-sized fields on the most fertile farmland possible.


  • Tribute cost: 0
  • Capacity: depends on size
  • Impressiveness: depends on size
  • Builds immediately, no wood or ore is required.
Screenshot 2023-07-29 131918

Color difference from field to field. Nothing but skin change.

Black and White
One / Two Scaffolds Small Abode / Large Abode
Three Scaffolds Creche / Graveyard / Village Store / Workshop
4 to 8 Scaffolds Field / Village Center / Miracle Dispenser / Wonder / Football Field
Other Temple / Worship Site
Black And White 2 + BOTG
Dwellings Creature Pen / House / Hovel / Manor / Mansion / Skyscraper / Villa
Civic Buildings Altar / Amphitheater / Baths / Graveyard / Nursery / Prison / Rest Home / Tavern / Temple / Hospital
Industrial Buildings Field / Granary / Lumber Mill / Plant Market / Pot Market / Smelter / Statue Market / Storehouse / University / Abattoir
Walls and Roads Fortified Wall / Road / Wall / Wall Gatehouse
Embellishments Column / Fertility Statue / Lamp / Meadow / Naming Fountain / Punishment Spike / Torture Pit / Well / Single Signpost / Double Signpost / Crossroads Signpost / Small Animal Pen / Dovecote / Pig Sty / Large Animal Pen / Flagpole
Military Armory / Ranged Armory / Siege Workshop / Blacksmith
Wonders Earthquake Wonder / Hurricane Wonder / Siren Wonder / Volcano Wonder
Non Greek Buildings Aztec Fountain / Aztec Statue / Japanese Fountain / Japanese Garden / Japanese Shrine / Norse Fountain / Norse Statue