Black and White Wiki
Creature lightning

The Tiger destroying enemy troops with Lightning.


Empowers the creature with the skill to wield the destructive power of electrostatically charged air.


Probably the best miracle to get rid of enemy platoons quickly, and with minimal collateral damage to your units.


Black and White
Offensive Miracles Fireball / Lightning Bolt / Mega-Blast
Defensive Miracles Physical Shield / Spiritual Shield
Creature Miracles Aggressive Creature / Enlarge Creature / Freeze Creature / Holy Flies / Invisibility / Loving Creature / Shrink Creature / Strengthen Creature / Weaken Creature
Settlement Miracles Miracle Food / Miracle Forest / Miracle Water / Miracle Wood / Storm Miracle
Other Miracles Flock of Birds / Heal / Pack of Beasts / Teleport
Black and White 2
Miracles Fire / Heal / Lightning / Meteor / Water / Shield
Creature Miracles Fire / Heal / Lightning / Water
Epic Miracles Earthquake Miracle / Hurricane Miracle / Siren Miracle / Volcano Miracle
Black and White 2 Battle of the Gods
Miracles Fire / Heal / Lightning / Meteor / Water / Shield / Lava / Life / Death / Verdant


And until I see a big enough one, you don't mean nothing to me!

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