Miracles are divine powers that are fueled by worshippers and sacrifices (for gods, which rely on prayer power) or energy (for creatures, which become hungry and tired from casting them). They can also be found all over Eden in form of one-shot miracles. Miracles can be cast by gods and creatures alike.
List of Miracles in Black & White[]
Gods and creatures can cast a wide variety of miracles throughout the game. Many are available in increased or extreme variants, which make the miracle more powerful.
- Basic: Conjures a pile of food.
- Increased: Conjures a larger pile of food.
- Basic: Conjures a pile of wood.
- Increased: A larger rain cloud that is more effective at watering crops, and allows for trees to grow beyond normal limit..
- Basic: Ball of fire that can burn everything on its path.
- Increased: Summons three fireballs at the same time.
- Extreme: Summons eight fireballs at the same time.
- Basic: This thundercloud produces heavy rain, scaring villagers.
- Increased: Adds lightning to the storm, capable of starting fires.
- Extreme: Adds a destructive tornado to the storm, capable of picking up and throwing objects.
- Basic: Bolts of energy strike anything ahead of the casting point, damaging beings and lighting objects on fire.
- Increased: Produces more powerful and further-spreading bolts.
- Extreme: Produces an extremely powerful stream of lightning.
- Basic: A shield that protects the targeted area from miracles, negates influence, and prevents villagers under it from being impressed by godly actions.
- Basic: A shield that protects the targeted area from natural projectiles such as stones, negates influence, and prevents villagers under it from being impressed by godly actions.
- Basic: Magically summons a forest creating 10 up to 18 trees in the area of the cast. The trees will reflect the soil where the miracle is cast (example: palm trees on sand).
- Heal:
- Basic: Heals living beings in a small area.
- Increased: Heal area is much larger, allowing a greater number of beings to be healed.
- Basic: When cast, greatly impresses the villagers that see it, giving the god more belief.
- Basic: A pack of wolves is summoned, each of them travelling forward from the cast point and slaughtering any nearby villagers.
- Basic: Places a portal on the targeted area. They allow villagers and creatures to travel great distances in a short time. At least two portals are needed in order for it to work.
- Basic: Casts a highly destructive beam of light on the targeted area.
- Increased: Casts seven beams within a small area.
- Extreme: Casts seven beams, followed by a "rain" of beams to bombard the area over a period of time.
- Aggressive Creature: When cast on a creature, shifts his alignment to 100% evil and forces him to wear the Leash of Aggression for the duration.
- Loving Creature: When cast on a creature, shifts his alignment to 100% good and forces him to wear the Leash of Compassion for the duration.
- Freeze Creature: Freezes a creature up to 30 seconds or until its health drops to zero.
- Holy Flies: When cast on a creature, makes it scratch itself uncontrollably, preventing it from doing anything, and its owner from using any leashes.
- Invisibilty: When cast on a creature, renders it invisible.
- Weaken Creature: When cast on a creature it reduces the strength score to 0%.
- Strengthen Creature: When cast on a creature it increases the strength score to 100%.
- Enlarge Creature: When cast on a creature, enlarges it to the maximum size.
- Shrink Creature: When cast on a creature, shrinks it to the minimun size.
List of Miracles in Black & White 2[]
Black & White 2 Base Miracles[]
- Water miracle: Creates water to put out fires (and Volcanic lava), water crops and trees, and to make ground more clumsy to pass, for enemy soldiers.
- Heal miracle: Heal (or cure of diseases, in specific instances) injured villagers, soldiers and Creatures.
- Shield miracle: Knock down/around enemy soldiers and Creatures (or, create a shield through which projectiles and [Epic] miracles can't pass through, as easily, to cause damage)
- Lightning miracle: Shock all nearby villagers and soldiers, creating cascades of chain-lightning, and set buildings and trees on fire.
- Fire miracle: Create a fireball (or stream of fire, the former of) which explodes on contact, dealing damage and setting everything near on fire.
- Meteor miracle: Summons a rain of meteors and destroys everything in the area, potentially setting nearby objects on fire, slightly scarring the land afterwards.
- Note that, in some capacity, each and every Miracle listed (above, and below), can affect both friendly units, and enemy units.
Battle of the Gods Miracles[]
- Verdant miracle: Turns enemy troops or villagers caught in this miracle's radius, into animals (good for the Abattoir).
- Lava miracle: Creates a patch (or, when poured, pool) of lava upon impact, which will burn anything it comes into contact with, creating unsteady and deadly terrain.
- Life miracle: Will resurrect any recently deceased villagers or platoonsmen, return the undead to their grave, and, if you target a Storehouse containing some Ore and/or Food, it will fill the Storehouse with more of those resources.
- Death miracle: Will create a platoon of undead soldiers, where targeted, for 60 seconds. It will also add any villagers caught in it's radius to the platoon, and add them to your armies of the damned.
Epic Miracles[]
Epic Miracles are a unique class of Miracles that require a lot of time and prayer power to charge up. They can be used anywhere that isn't in the influence of your opponent.
- Siren Miracle: This miracle summons a Siren, who spreads love and compassion in your name, converting any enemy mortals caught in it's radius, to your side. Upon converting, they will wander around to "hug trees", before finally travelling to your city of origin, to live out their days as one of your villagers. It's great for destroying the population and/or armies of your opponents (making them even easier to capture), though it comes at the cost of a sudden population boom, meaning a demand for housing and food, amongst other things.
- Hurricane Miracle: This miracle summons a Hurricane, that proceeds to wreak unprejudiced havoc, on the area it is summoned. See its page for more details.
- Earthquake Miracle: This miracle summons a Earthquake, that will destroy the earth around it's area, and leave scars that will remain for some time, which any and all villagers and troops will most likely walk straight into. Good for blocking the advance of the enemy. See its page for more details.
- Volcano Miracle: This miracle summons a Volcano on the point of origin. At first, the volcano will sprout out of the ground, completely erasing any building in the way, before erupting into fire and flame, with a stream of magma coming down to burn the surrounding area down to the ground, launching fireballs from its crown. This is the only Epic that can be directly fought against, by using Water Miracles to stop the advance of the lava. See its page for more details.
- Be aware that on some lands your enemies will also have an epic miracle at their disposal, and that they will use them occasionally, unless the epic's related Wonder building is destroyed.
- One more thing to note, is that the destructive epics have a tendency of destroying resources, like Ore mines and forests, so use them with extreme caution (or none at all).
Miracles | |
Black and White | |
Offensive Miracles | Fireball / Lightning Bolt / Mega-Blast |
Defensive Miracles | Physical Shield / Spiritual Shield |
Creature Miracles | Aggressive Creature / Enlarge Creature / Freeze Creature / Holy Flies / Invisibility / Loving Creature / Shrink Creature / Strengthen Creature / Weaken Creature |
Settlement Miracles | Miracle Food / Miracle Forest / Miracle Water / Miracle Wood / Storm Miracle |
Other Miracles | Flock of Birds / Heal / Pack of Beasts / Teleport |
Black and White 2 | |
Miracles | Fire / Heal / Lightning / Meteor / Water / Shield |
Creature Miracles | Fire / Heal / Lightning / Water |
Epic Miracles | Earthquake Miracle / Hurricane Miracle / Siren Miracle / Volcano Miracle |
Black and White 2 Battle of the Gods | |
Miracles | Fire / Heal / Lightning / Meteor / Water / Shield / Lava / Life / Death / Verdant |