Black and White Wiki

Shielding your warriors

The Shield miracle, when "poured", makes a protective bubble/aura around your villagers, soldiers, Creature, or settlement, that lasts a short period of time, blocking most enemy projectiles, and potentially effects of enemy Epic Miracles.

Additionally, throwing the shield creates a short bursting aura of air, that explodes outwards, wreaking havoc on enemy troops and Creatures, knocking them around.

This second effect is very useful, if troops are backed up against a solid object (such as a wall), as they will be crushed; or, if near a cliff, it may cause them to be swept off the side, instead.

Alternatively, it can be used to add insult to injury, by sweeping targets towards a volcano or earthquake's fissures!

It is also, generally, very effective against enemy targets near water and rocks.

Tribute Cost: 30,000

Mana Cost: 1,250


  • The miracle is known as "TORNADO" in the game files.

Black and White
Offensive Miracles Fireball / Lightning Bolt / Mega-Blast
Defensive Miracles Physical Shield / Spiritual Shield
Creature Miracles Aggressive Creature / Enlarge Creature / Freeze Creature / Holy Flies / Invisibility / Loving Creature / Shrink Creature / Strengthen Creature / Weaken Creature
Settlement Miracles Miracle Food / Miracle Forest / Miracle Water / Miracle Wood / Storm Miracle
Other Miracles Flock of Birds / Heal / Pack of Beasts / Teleport
Black and White 2
Miracles Fire / Heal / Lightning / Meteor / Water / Shield
Creature Miracles Fire / Heal / Lightning / Water
Epic Miracles Earthquake Miracle / Hurricane Miracle / Siren Miracle / Volcano Miracle
Black and White 2 Battle of the Gods
Miracles Fire / Heal / Lightning / Meteor / Water / Shield / Lava / Life / Death / Verdant