Black and White Wiki

The turtle in his neutral alignment

In-Game Description[]

Oh, you can choose the Turtle. He looks tough, loyal and, to be honest, quite scaly.

The Turtle is one of the two starting Creatures, normally only available for Black & White 2's Battle of the Gods expansion, and within that expansion, is the only absolutely new creature available to choose.

Just based on its physical appearance and natural demeanor (aside from its in-game description), it's hard to tell if, statistically and mechanically, it performs similarly (or differently) to the Cow or Ape, though one can only imagine that it must have more health, and so can survive dangers and combat for longer, whilst using its clumsy weight to its advantage.

On the other hand, it might function as a re-skinned version of a pre-existent Creature, with all the same statistics, and fighting style.

He tends to be a naturally more peaceful Creature, being helpful to villagers, provides modest-to-intense morale boosts & combat support to soldiers, and is one of the most friendly, perhaps even more pacifist, of all the Creatures.

He is decently intelligent, but can lack brute force in a fight. Being a naturally-gentle, simple-minded soul, appreciating your attention, this perhaps leads to him not knowing best how to utilize his strength efficiently in a fight, although he has the mass to be a force reckoned with, on the battlefield.

He is not as industrious as the Ape, but still does a decent job.

At the very least, he might inadvertently crush his foes, or efficiently cast his Miracles to quash their retaliations. By no means, is the Turtle fast (unless it really puts effort into traveling), and perhaps lacking a bit, in stamina, too; in short terms, not particularly energy-efficient.

The Turtle's Efficacy When Assigned a Role[]

  • The Entertainer: A good god can make for a thoroughly vibrant, joyful, playful Entertainer of their villagers, with the Turtle, in how it brings a sense of peace, happiness, and symbolic protection to your villagers, caring for & healing villagers (presumably, it enjoys spending its leisure-time wandering amongst villagers); in terms of rallying morale for soldiers, this potential war-machine can inspire courage in infantry, to dive head-first into enemy lines, knowing this mighty bastion will shield them from mortal danger.
  • The Gatherer: A good, or industrious god might find the Turtle thrives, in fertilizing and watering (and sometimes grazing on) woodlands with care, spending time amongst farmers and foresters, watering (and fertilizing) fields, basking in the sun as most reptiles do, uprooting large trees (and even throwing them to your Storehouse). However, his greatest distractions (much like the Ape's), aside from nature and leisure, may be idle or working villagers, in his earnest interest to keep them entertained. If not that, he might be tempted to slowly snack on your crops, every now and again, to keep his hide thick, and his shell healthy.
  • The Builder: A wholly industrious god might find that the Turtle can, albeit clumsily, use its modest and sincere efforts to help raise buildings from their foundations, throwing or carrying building materials where they need to go (with sometimes awkward aim), or at least morally supporting Disciple builders, and being eager to tend and repair damaged buildings, or prevent their sustaining damage in the first place. When he does put his mind to raising a building, he'll put as much effort as he can into the work, until he's wholly and undoubtedly exhausted of every ounce of his energy.
  • The Soldier: Lastly, a defensive or aggressive god may find that, when a Turtle (in its most aggressive form, likened to a snapping turtle!) is marched to the battlefield... at some point, it might not make much provoking for it to snap at anything in its way, shirk off attacks with its spiny shell, and crush everything with its scaly brute force, and bloodlust Just as with the impressively-intimidating displays it uses to rally the morale of friendly platoons, it delivers on its promises to its allies. It puts in surprising effort at chasing down, and taking down enemies it can properly tangle with (as best as its agility, or lack thereof, will allow it to), and its stamina in battle is honorable. With a mixture of Miracles and berserk, frenzied attacks, it uses using its weight to send enemy platoons flying, for those unfortunate enough not to have been more quickly crushed; like the Ape, the Turtle can also bring down siege engines with one fell swoop (or, in this case, one solid stomp, or swat of its fist). Likewise, the Turtle serves as an absolutely terrifying, imposing unit of a war-beast, making its advance and sustaining much pain, but doling out equal amounts along the way; in this way, it serves as a great counter for enemy platoons on the assault (though still vulnerable to archers), its body language, most of all, an expression which tells enemies to choose carefully, if and when to tangle with this reptile.

The Turtle generally tends to sway, in alignment, more to good rather than evil.

If you do need a fighting Creature, consider improving the Turtle's strength, as he'll almost never train it by himself.

Black & White 2 BOTG Turtle - Evil

A fully-matured turtle, in evil alignment

Black & White 2 BOTG Turtle Mugshot

Slow & steady wins the race, right?

Black and White
Starting Creatures Ape / Cow / Tiger
Unlockable Creatures Brown Bear / Chimpanzee / Lion / Polar Bear / Sheep / Tortoise / Wolf / Zebra
Creature Isle Only Chicken / Crocodile / Rhinoceros
Hacked Creatures Ogre / Rhinoceros
Patch Only Gorilla / Horse / Leopard / Mandrill
Black and White 2
Starting Creatures Cow / Lion / Ape / Wolf
Unlockable Creatures Tiger
Battle of the gods Starting Creature Turtle
Antagonist Creatures Wolf / Tiger / Gorilla / Undead Gorilla